Celebrants Training
The Celebrants Training is held occasionally at Barrow Castle in Bath, England, for Sufi Way initiates who wish to learn ways for conducting weddings, funerals, child blessings and other rituals. These trainings are led by Murshid Sharif Hawkins and Pir Elias, and are open to Sufi Way initiates and also to mureeds of other Inayati orders.
The training consists of:
A foundation workshop which covers the core principles and practices in creating and conducting rituals and ceremonies. Trainees receive a copy of the Celebrants Manual and other resources.
A nine months’ action learning phase when participants are asked to:
Attend five different types of religious ceremonies with an open heart and full participation.
Be a celebrant for a ritual or rite of passage with supervision and support.
Read and contribute to the Sufi Way resources for different ceremonies.
An integration workshop where those who are ready are initiated as Sufi Way Celebrants.
There is a modest fee for the Celebrants Training. Residential accommodation at Barrow Castle or a local Bed and Breakfast is paid separately.
For further information on the training, please email Sharif Peter Hawkins at sharif@sufiway.org.