About the Open Path
The programs of the Sufi Way are known as the Open Path — a path open to all regardless of religious beliefs, a path of openness, immediacy, and freshness, unbounded by concepts. In this sense it is not a path at all, but simply a living inclination of caring presence within the clear light of being.
In its essence, the Open Path is dedicated to the direct experience of our natural state - a state known as Pure Awareness, Selflessness, Nonduality, Oneness, Original Spirit, and by many other names. It is a process of natural enlightenment that belongs to everyone.
The Open Path does not require following a belief system or a specific set of esoteric practices or ritual forms. What is required is that we relax into the awake openness of our original nature, free from assumptions about who we are or conclusions about what is real. What is required is that we relax from compulsive doing and mental commenting and recognize the immanence of the here-and-now for what it naturally is.
With this unadorned recognition we experience release from our insecurities, self-doubt, and judgments of others. As a result we are able to respond spontaneously to whatever comes up for us with equanimity, creativity, and with a kind heart.
Specific Open Path Trainings are occasionally offered, either in-person or online. These trainings usually extend for six to twelve months and explore in depth Pir Elias’s book The Open Path — Recognizing Nondual Awareness. There are also frequent Open Path study groups led by senior Sufi Way teachers in both the U.S. and Europe.